Saturday, June 27, 2009

An interview with soul of Moses about the Genesis

This is my point of view of Genesis in the Bible.
I ,Yahweh have existed before the creation of the Earth.
I Am also the Creator of the universe.
Therefore I may not fit into this limited version of my meaning in the Bible.
Let's talk with Moses.

Moses' point of view of Genesis

I am the soul of Moses.
I was educated in Egypt as an offspring of a Hebrew.
At the time, the education in Egypt was a group education
for the public.

I received a private education because I belong to a royal family.
The education was to learn about the daily life in the royal palace.
The content of education about gods was about the Egyptian gods.
The deity of Egyptian had several gods.

The soul of a person whose body kept in mummification
will resurrect again someday.
That was not my reasoning but that was a view of deity of Egyptians.

The souls of the royal family are special.
They will not take common path with the public.
At the end of age, they will resurrect.
The commoners also have souls,
but the souls of the royal family would be different.
Therefore the meaning of the souls of the royal family was special.

I was a royal family who inherited bloodline of Jew.
It was my question as to where my soul will go.
As a Jew, I wished to have a religion of my own.

Genesis was the record by divine inspiration from God.
That was a divine inspiration.
But the inspiration was not the same as God himself recorded in person.
The record of Genesis was a record of
an understanding of God by the Holy Spirit in human.
The lack of my understanding was also included
in my self satisfaction about the understanding of God.
I recorded the Genesis with an inspiration from God
and my knowledge and all my understanding.

The subject of Earth was not the main purpose of my understanding.
I wanted to have a national religion of the Jews affected by my God.
This was reflected in the Genesis.

The issue of nationalism:
The history which Adam accomplished
became a national religion of Jewish Adam.
Therefore Adam and Eve were the ancestor of Jews and
also original ancestor of human race.

There were several other countries before Noah's time.
After Noah's time, there was only one family of Noah's descendants
and actually people in the world were only the Jews?
That was a national and also racial prejudice opinion of Moses.
I wrote the record and it was accomplished with this process.

Is the Bible accurate?
The Bible is accurate as the understanding of Moses, myself.
It was the record of a Jew and also it was the inspiration from Yahweh.
But that was not written by Yahweh himself.
It was written by me. I wrote the record with my divine accuracy.

Then what is the problem?
The problem can be the gap of the inspired understanding.
Adam's generation was not the only Jewish people.
Eve was an ancestor of human race but she was created only for Adam ?
Adam was an image of God.
But at the time of writing Genesis, I received an understanding
that God made Adam as a physical human.

Then what is the problem?
The religious belief in human denies truth because of this result of the Bible.
I, Moses understand the result originated from my lack of understanding.
Also this is a political problem of Jewish nation.
I, Moses started as a political leader when I was coming out of Egypt.
Same time, I had to be a religious leader too.
Leviticus was the record of the rules of sacrificial rites which was required
in the religious life of Jewish people, and management of hygiene that
people must keep for human relationship which is essential for
the community living in the desert.
Numbers was the life in the wilderness to prepare to go into promised land.
Deuteronomy was commandments of God that people must keep and
morals to maintain community life.
Other commandments were to teach people about the principle of
how they should live.
It was recorded human history that God is with us.
But that was not the record of Yahweh himself.
Therefore there were gaps between the inspiration and the actual record.
It is true that Genesis or Exodus has connotation with prejudice national love of Jews.
I, Moses expressed my opinion.

I hope Moses explanation helped your interpretation.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Letter from God to Catholic Church


What is the meaning of the religion?
Religion means, always it has issue of our ideal

When I called Abram (Abraham) out of Ur,

I had a problem dealing with Canaanite's religion.
Because Baal religion which is believing Baal, had problem of idol worship.

Then, why idol worshiping a problem?

The reason is that I Am who is the Creator and not this kind of idol being.
We, which is Elohim is the reality of magnetism

and also I have name "Yahweh".

Then why the name Yahweh means love ?
Because my self is the word and my ideal is love.

What is Word itself means?

I do not have figure or shape. I am invisible.
Then, why I imagining myself as man?
Because the ideal of myself is man and my character is man.

But I may not be man.
Therefore an idol figure of me has no value as me.

The religious problem of Baal.

Why Canaanite thought out this idol?
That was an imagination of human mind that made this figure of idols.

The name of Baal.

This imaginary figure is the imaginary religious view.

Also it is a blaspheme against the word of God.

Catholic religion.

Of course it is a succession of tradition of Peter.
But it is a political religious group who misunderstood my meaning.
Because this all idolatry events have a lot in common with worship service of Baal.

Of course, It is my joy to receive holy communion worship service
which is accomplish in the Catholic Church.
But this religious ceremony itself has the meaning of idolatry.

In order to solve this problem,
I will bring a change to the Catholic Church.

What kind of change would come.?

The destruction of Rome will come.
This will come in the beginning of the war of Armageddon.
The idolitic problem of the whole system

has no foundational accomplishing force.

The first idol ........ The absoluteness of the Church.
The second idol... The absoluteness of the duties.
Third reason......... The idolitic existence of Mariem.(Mary)

Maryam (Mary) was a female child blessed by holy spirit

for the reason of the Creator who is I, God had to be born.
But this existence of idolitic value of Mary does not have my name.
It is a mistake that Catholic continuously worshipping Mary.

Then why am I God of these Catholic ?
Because Catholic Church has the sacrificial rite of holy communion that calls my name.
