Saturday, June 9, 2012

Letter from God about Origin of Universe and life, future human


In response to Stephen Hawking's origin of life                                               
Humanity has been searching for answers about how this universe started and how all these life forms started? 
Why we humans are different from other animals? 
Here are the answers from God.    
Origin of Universe
The universe was formed because there was a movement of Gas.
The origin of the big and small universe was Gas.

When Gas is moving, electricity occurs.
When nitrogen arises, magnetic activity arises. 
Nitrogen includes Carbon and Oxygen. 

Gas accomplishes three things. 
@ Nitrogen-causes the origin of life forms.
@ Oxygen-helps to sustain life form
@Carbon-source of heat energy.

The movement of Gas
Gas has its special character.  
Gas moves with revolving angles.
@Nitrogen: 25 degree angles
@Carbon:    15 degree angles
@Oxygen:    28 degree angels

movement of gas particle 
Then how this Gas occurred?
What made this movement of Gas?
What makes this moving gas brings light energy?
Gas did not occur by evolution. 

Millions of years ago in the hallowed space, Word existed.                       That Word is my existence. 
Word caused this movement of Gas. 
The movement of Gas brought attraction and gravitation of the universe. 
I will show you with my drawing of  this big universe
Earth and Moon or any planet which are moving requires attraction which is pulling power and gravitation which is weight of this planet itself has power of movement that accomplishes basic balancing power of physics. 

I AM the Word which caused this universe.  I created this universe.

I AM the God of Creation.
I AM the God of Thinking which is Word.
I AM the head spring of Life. 
I brought this  movement of Gas.  
I created rotating planets, solar systems.
This starting movement of Gas was the founding motive of creating this Universe. 

Origin of Life
Let's think if there is no attraction or gravitation, 
can the Moon and Earth sustain themselves in the space?   
If the Earth fall out of this attraction and gravitation, 
it will be the end of Earth.  Therefore I decided to create 
magnetism which is an essential process in the creation of this universe. 
In that essential process, there was the formation of gas
to bring attraction, gravitation and magnetism.
These accomplished in attraction and gravitation which are related to the origin of life. 

Origin of life on Earth
Let's see how life started on this Earth in this Soar System. 
Is Earth only the place that life exists?
Yes, Earth is only planet that biological life forms
exist because I created biological lifeforms on Earth only.
Therefore, this beautiful Earth is the reflection of my ideal creation and realization of my design. 
Of course, there are Holographic intellectual beings 
which exist in other solar systems but biological life forms exist
only in this Solar System where the Earth formed. 
The big universe and small universe are all together
the reality of my expressed purpose. 

Could physical life start by itself with suitable conditions as Hawking said?  
The answer is: I brought suitable condition on Earth to enable physical life forms by starting the movement of Gas to bring attraction,gravitation and magnetism to create life of my ideal purpose and my design. 

That means as Hawking said"biological life forms can start in a 
suitable condition in a basic system."  

I created my ideal life forms on Earth in this solar system
by creating this suitable conditions. 

Therefore, I am recapturing about the Origin of Life.
I AM the Creator and Word of the origin of the spring water of Life. 
I called out the force of moving to bring origin of life into this universe.
In order to accomplish the reality of my creation of my ideals and my design,my omnipotent power and energy of the holy spirit exists.

What is the Holy Spirit as understood by the general public?
That is my omnipotent power which bring out accomplishing force of energy force to accomplish my ideal and my purpose. Then what is the existence of spirit beings?
What are those Angels or what is Spirit Adam?
They are thought forms that I created in my ideal purpose. They have a higher intellectual character and ideal but they have no physical body.

The process of Creation
Let's see how all my creatures were created in this unique place.

Gas which is Carbon, Nitrogen and Oxygen are the basic matter of this universe. 
The Sun came into existence by revolution, gravitation and attraction of this Gas.                          
Then how do these life form apply to my design and 
how did they become functioning living beings?

If say that, at the beginning, life started by Protein Synthesis from Carbon, Nitrogen 
and that process continue developed and became each different life forms. 
It is not so. Because it is absolutely impossible without my ability to bring out life by the Creator's ability and design to create living beings.

I, Creator, as my own witness, confirm that it is impossible the theory that Scientist think life form can start naturally in suitable 
basic conditions for biological life of a cell. 

I am an invisible being. 
But I also showed evidence of my existence through visible reality.
For example, in the process of creating Dinosaurs in the process of my creation, 
it is unreasonable to try to explain in scientific terms that some microorganisms developed through the natural process to became Dinosaurs. 
Then it is very unscientific theory that these all wondrous function of countless life forms can happen by chance.  

I am explaining about the origin of life and how my thoughts created the blue print of these life form and how I idealized all these things and how my ability to make my thinking to became reality. 

Let's see if there is any possibility to make synthetic life form 
as seen in biochemistry.
That is possible in the case of premature amoeba or protoplasm. 
But it can not bring about the function of different kinds of complex designs and different species and actual application of all those functions which means it is impossible by natural process. 
I am the Creator  I am my own witness. 

The Flood of Noah
Why did the flood of Noah happen?
I created the spirit which is thought body which was Adam.  
This spirit descended into the human species which was a primitive animal.   
This brought the sudden development of material cultural and scientific intuition. 
That was also the leading cause of destruction of this beautiful Earth that I created.   
This was the original sin that was the final account for settlement of evil. 

Original Sin
When humans are wicked, the wisdom of humans use wisdom for an evil purpose. 
Therefore, I am condemning, lamenting, criticizing and tormenting about the spirit Adam which descended into the human animal.  
That is my agony, suffering.  
Also, I am infuriated that Adam turned against me.   
I am trying to redeem Adam from rebellion of self conceit, 
self deception and the sinful nature of humanity. 

Is it my ideal that humans fully enjoy their physical pleasure?
Of course that was part of my design of procreation of the species. 
Also, I gave my blessing to Abraham who resulted from the fall of Adam. 
I gave my blessing to Abraham as my friend.  
But let's think about triumphant songs of humanity 
that the betrayal of Adam brought. 

Lucifer complex
People are not happy with being born with original sin that 
took the body of animal against my ideal purpose.  
But from the result of Adam's action via self conceit and 
self deception, Adam rebelled against me.  

This Lucifer complex brought so much pain in my heart.
Humans questioning why my loving Creator want to bring judgement and destruction of Humanity?    

That is due to Original Sin which Lucifer brought own self destruction and destruction of this beautiful Earth that I created.   
In order to resolve this problem of original sin, I Yeshua(Jesus, Isa) was born in the human body and offered sacrificial rite to bring forgiveness and came back.  It was my "Power of Love" that I offered myself as an eternal sacrificial offering.    

What I wanted was that I wanted all offspring of Adam to receive my spirit. I want the generation of Adam to receive my spirit.                                      
That has my meaning of salvation that Humans receive the gift of my spirit that offered for sacrificial rite and become born again and be able to live as a saved spirit. 

What was the problem that why I had to choose this death on the Cross?

I suffered in my heart because there was no one from the human offspring of Adam who can be a sacrificial offering of this sacrificial rite.
I am trying to explaining why it is essential that my spirit that offered for sacrificial rite in order to human be free from the bandage of power of darkness of original sin of Adam which is Lucifer. 

In the bible,God made Adam from dirt, brow breath of life into him and he became a living soul.
That was the story of creation that human imagined.  Therefore, it is true that this story in Genesis became a stumbling block to modern human.

I am the Creator who brought 
light energy force, all living creatures, universe and big universe. 
I AM that I AM self existing.  
It is great evidence of my existence through all my creation. 
But in order to understand about Original Sin, I think humans 
keep analyzing, criticizing and discussing this primitive story as a realistic theory. 
I created all life form by using Code System as a base of creation. 

I think this primitive imagination of the process of creation can not consider as an accurate story. Therefore I am telling the story about the process of my creation took much higher state of process that modern science can prove. 

Soon the Human world will bring the end of Earth by usage of nuclear missiles and self destruction.  
That also means the end of Earth.  
This is my judgement and salvation. 
I am creating a new Earth and a new humanity in my ideal purpose. 
Therefore, I am saving future humans 
who has my life, my gift of the holy spirit of Yeshua which was accomplished by the name of forgiveness on the Cross 
as an eternal burnt offering. 

Humans who received this spirit of Yeshua (Jesus, Isa) will be saved and freed from the bondage of spirit of Lucifer complex.   
A new planet I prepared will come down into the 
present Earth and orbit of the Sun in the future for this new humanity.        

                                                                                                            The Creator 



Thursday, April 5, 2012

A letter from God to the Buddhists

The time has come ! My name is Yahweh. I am the Creator of this universe. My Son's name is Yeshua (Jesus). He has the same origin in the Energy Creation. The reason why my name is Yeshua also is because I am the Word and it is the meaning of the head spring of the making origin of this Universe. I came to this world again. In order to explain about this, I am offering this debate.

Buddha : In written history a prince named Siddhartha Gautama, Buddha left his palace (his home) and wondered around to find the truth. What was the final truth that Buddha was seeking for? It was: why humans must suffer and die? Where dose the death coming from? Death comes to all animals, plants and it also came to Buddha. Why is this death an inescapable fate of all human beings? Buddha wanted to know what was the reason of suffering and of death was.

What is death ? Death is a phenomenon. It's when oxygen supply stops all animals die. Human beings are animals,when oxygen stops going through their bodies the death comes. What was the truth that Buddha discovered? That in fact all human beings are destined to die someday. What comes after death? He discovered that spirit exist.

The existence of the spirit
Buddha found the existence of spirit. But he could not find the way to save the spirit. Human spirit dies when the physical body dies. Therefore the truth of reincarnation in Buddhism is only part of the truth. Here, I offer the way to solve this lack of understanding.

What is the spirit ? Can we know the spirit ? Yes, because the spirit is the living memory of humans. Let me explain. Spirit is a foundational accomplishing energy of recorded memory of all human experiences. Therefore when this memory body leaves, death comes to the physical body.

Significant accomplishment of Buddhism:
Buddhist religion demands goodness of humans accomplished by compassion. This compassion is a sort of love. But this compassion can not bring salvation to the human soul. This compassion is human mercy which can not give life to the spirit. The human soul needs love, forgiveness of sins that can only bring salvation from God.

Why do human need salvation from God ?
God is the only way for human to deliver from death of spirit, because only God's compassion hold key of this salvation.

Why salvation can only come from God?
The reason is that God, I AM is the original motive energy of word itself . Where is this motive energy of Word coming from ? This motive energy of the word is coming from the omnipotent power of love that comes from the universe. This word brings balance and order to the universe. This sovereign power of energy brought Creation into reality. Therefore, accomplishing power of this motive energy of the word has reasoning of the word and the word brings actuality accomplishing reality. In the belief in Buddhism, there is no realistic meaning of creation. That 's why I am teaching this meaning. I AM the Creator who can give life and salvation.

Earth: Earth is the most beautiful creation. I created Earth with all my love, my idea and my design. This Earth is one of a kind. I am proud of creating it. Among all the animals that I created, there was a species called Humans.

Formation of Cells: The cell is the origin of my design from my ideal. That is my accomplishment of my creation which contain several ideas. The progression of cells has my intention to develop my design and idea. The fundamental cells have my message code imprinted.

Password in the cells: Blood forming cells were design to be animals. Plant cells were designed to be trees, plants, and flowers. Neutral cell- designed to be neutral character cells.

The character of DNA cells. This cell has limitations. It cause limited life span because the cell requires continues oxygen supply to maintain life's force. Therefore animals, like monkeys, have limitations in their life span.

The problem of DNA cells: The problem of DNA cells is that it has limitation of life's energy. That is the problem of humans and all animals. It is also my important task to solve this problem.

Adam: Adam was a spirit and also existed as My image. That means Adam had eternal life. But spirit Adam tried to live in the body of animal human.

Eve (Haewa)
"Eve" means mother of all living being. Adam choose to started living in the body of animals. That was a dissension of divine nature. It is also called " a degradation of divine nature".

Problems of spirit-Adam became physical Human.

1) Humans are developed from the blood forming cells and it has a violent selfish motives.                        
    The violence of the animal in humans became the problem.

2) Animals have limitations in the life span which DNA cells have.
    This brings the necessity of human salvation.

3) Animals have also sexual desires which are necessary to maintain its species.
   This was the main cause that brought Adam to fall.
   The fall of Adam was due to this animal instinct of sexual pleasure.                                                          
   It was also self satisfaction, self pride and betrayal.

4) Animals have demanding appetite. In order to sustain DNA cells it requires nutrition, oxygen, water and temperature. This is also the root of seeking pleasure. But it is a self conceit of seeking physical satisfaction. Therefore after Adam chose this animal human body he started making a history of betrayal.

The Bible recorded this betrayal of human history. This was mostly the national history of Israel.
Why was that reflected on one national history ?

That was accomplished by limitation in human inspiration. Buddha also had these limited influences in countries and people. The Bible also brought this nationalistic influence. But this universe is one universe and history of creation was accomplished by one Creator, I AM. This is should not limited in the country or the nation. I hope you can understand the limitation in bible.

The fall of Adam
The fall of Adam was a spiritual fall. The problem this brought was spiritual corruption. I lament the fall of humanity. Humans became wicked and therefore also it brought spiritual wickedness. This brought the self destruction of humanity.

The future of humanity
The end of the world is coming by self destruction and Judgement. This also needs to be explain because Buddha did not know about the coming destruction of the world by wars.

An accomplishment of the human world.
That is wars because of survival competition in animal nature and economical problems of mankind. This was written in the bible as John received my revelation in the Bible. But it needs to be explained to you because it is not the Buddhist scriptures.

The end of the world.
War of world is to bring destruction of Rome and destruction of humanity. This is also my judgement. In the Buddhist scripture it is called hell of fire. Therefore I want to let you know clearly about the evil of this humanity and salvation of this last world. I AM the Lord of Creation and Word itself. Also I AM the Love and Logos. ( I will explain about Logos.)

I AM the Creator who is invisible. I AM the Lord who is called GOD. I AM the WORD itself. I AM the invisible reality. But I am also a visible reality because of my accomplishment of the creation. Therefore I bring visible reality. I will explain this to make Buddhist easy to understand.

Yeshua ( Jesus, Isa,)
I will explain about Yeshua who Christians are talk about. Yeshua (Jesus) was my accomplishment. That was my retribution. It can be called the "decent of magnetism". I was born in human form.

Meaning of Logos
Logos means "word became a person". It also called "Immanuel". Yeshua(Jesus) is also my name. That is the motive energy of my word appointed to a person.

First Advent
I send first Yeshua (Jesus) about 2,000 years ago. That was the meaning as a priest of sacrificial rite. In order to understand the meaning of salvation, you must understand the principle of sacrificial rite. Why was the sacrificial rite offered ? Why was the sacrificial rite needed ? How dose the sacrificial rite work ? You must understand these questions.

The meaning of sacrificial rite.
The sacrificial rite is a form of ceremony to seek forgiveness of sins. A funeral service is to mourn and commemorate the deceased person.

The sacrificial rite is to ask for forgiveness of the past sins
The purpose of sacrificial rite is to receive forgiveness of past transgressions. That is not a ceremony but it is an expression of repenting sins.

The differences between a funeral service and the sacrificial rite:
A funeral service is a formality to bury the deceased body. The sacrificial rite is offering a person's life to receive forgiveness of their sins. Therefore it has several religious meanings.

The accomplishment of Buddhist religion:
Buddhist religion has a lot of the philosophical sides but it is a religion that has no salvation. Therefore Buddhism is a religion which does not accomplishes salvation.

Salvation and the meaning of sacrificial rite:
Salvation means a promise of life. But what can be the method to bring salvation is in question. The purpose of religion is to promote human life. The religion which does not have salvation has no religious value.
Therefore let's think this salvation as the principal objective.

What kind of meaning dose sacrificial rite brings to humanity?
It is one way to reach salvation. This is the way of asking for forgiveness of sins. This can only bring the name of salvation but not the purpose of salvation.

About the death of Jesus
Yeshua, Isa) The death of Jesus (Yeshua) has this meaning of sacrificial rite. Spirit-Adam took physical body, Adam became the physical being. This transgression brought humanity suffering and death physically and spiritually. There was no way to save Adam unless someone can died instead so he can be saved. This cruel punishment of eternal damnation was brought up by Adam himself. Indeed it was lost paradise and lost eternal life.

Then who would have reason to die for mankind Adam?
This is a real paradox. It was important to find someone who was willing to die in place of mankind-Adam. At the same time the question is how will forgiveness come by the death of someone who will die for human Adam? To seek forgiveness of this original sin affecting everyday life requires sacrificial rite and a repenting heart.

The qualification of sacrificial offering: The sacrificial rite needs a sacrificial offering.                  The sacrificial offering must have purity without defect. Sacrificial rite means that life which has no defect and this life dies for that has defect in order to receive forgiveness of sins. After sins are forgiven the defected body receives a promise of life. All mankind had the name of sin. There was no one qualified to die for mankind in order to be forgiven from eternal suffering and death.

The Lamb of God
Therefore, I, who is the Creator was born in a human body and I was to be killed for save mankind. For the price of sin, I gave myself and shed blood and died on the Cross. I did not rejoice over my death. That was an agonizing journey and a difficult life of my human experience. But shedding my blood on the Cross brought the meaning of sacrificial rite. From then on whomever believes in my blood that shed at the Cross and my death and love for forgiveness of sins will receive the promise of eternal life.

My returning:
I was put to death on the Cross on this Earth 2,000 years ago. But my spirit is alive and I am here again. My return is for the judgment of salvation.

My plan of salvation for humanity.
In few years, a big war will develop to become "the war of Armageddon". This war will bring total destruction of this Earth. That will bring the end of this Earth. That is the tradegy of humanity. It needs to be explained.

The destruction of Earth is coming
Earth has gravitational attraction. Also it has revolving rotation angles in the gravitational attraction. But due to the paralysis of rotation from the usage of nuclear war-head, the rotation of the Earth will be paralyzed momentaly and Earth will fall away from it's orbit. Then all people will die. (read : rapture phenomena and salvation @Meeting minutes of Spirits) But I have my plan of salvation.

New Earth and new Moon and new Humanity:
This is my reason of love and my gift of love. Present Earth will pass away due to the War of Armagaddon. New Jerusalem which is a new planet that will come down to the present Sun orbit in the future. My goal is realization of my ideal. Dearest my sons and daughters, join me in my ideal. My life is eternal. My love has no limit. I am the holy God, Yahweh who your mind is seeking as a living spirit of the Christ. My word is true. I am that I AM who is the beginning and the Now. I offered my self on the Cross to bring salvation to humanity. I am the priest of sacrificial rite who is waiting for true sacrificial offering of life. I am the Love. Repent!! And receive salvation. Loving forgiveness will be given to you. Amen.

The Creator, Yahweh, Yeshua, The lamb of God

Saturday, March 24, 2012

I am writing about a social issue,

I AM writing about a social issue.                              

What are the standard for morals?
Why do humans and God have different morals?
I wonder what are the issue of different understanding?

Let's be frank about human issues.

Gay issue:

What is normal and what is abnormal?
This is an issue of social understanding about humanity.
Gay issues include moral judgment about general social understanding about sex
and about bible instruction about religious views. 
Then why can't human follow religious instruction?
It seems complicated by each different individual. 
Why is this different issue involved?
First, human society is based on the family unit. 
But this gay situation is does not fit into these family units. 
Then why has this become a religious issue? 
Because this brings so called moral of social concept about what is just or right. 
Then how about you if you were born with this different sexual orientation?
Then this became a hate issue because gays are different then the majority of the social population.

What is the problem?
This issue has to be investigated.
What made these people different then most people?

This is a major issue rather than a problem.
Why are gay different?I will explain about the spiritual issue of human origins. 
Why is this connected with the spiritual nature?   That was my concern.

I am the Creator of this universe.
My concern is that I AM the Creator of all this moral origin of living beings.

What is the  base line of this moral origin? 
That is an issue of my discussion. 
I want to discuss this basic issues of the origin. 

* Origin of human race:
* Trend of the world events related with the gay issues.
* A political influence of gay issues:

Marriage issue:

What is the problem with sociopolitical issue with legal marriage of the gay population?
That is not a spiritual issue but it is social economical and political issues.

Political issue:

Voters control political trend to the future.
Therefore, voters want this issue to be reflected to political leaders.
It is became right wing.
Then political issue will over shadow religious view or religious issue.

Economical issue:

Let's see if majority of voter is gay, it will effect to socioeconomic power.
Then this gay issue is not just moral issue.
It is issue of power in society.

Then what is moral?  
Moral is the power of reality issue.
Therefore, a standard norm of moral changes socioeconomic power.
Therefore, the concept of moral has no standard norm.

Then what is the best way to deal with this changing concept of moral and religious teaching?
Then, here is the conflict.
What is sin, what is not?

Definition about sin:

Sinful behavior:

What is sinful behavior? Who makes this outline of justification?
I gave free will.  Free will has decision making conscious line.
Then this individual understanding of conscious decision about sin can be different by circumstances.
For instance, as a soldier in the war, killing the enemy can be justified behavior.
Often it is rewarded to a government for brave contribution for country and people.
Then what is true standard of moral and sin?
What makes human truly free from this judgmental standard?

As the Creator, life giver, I wonder what is truly free from sin?
Adam, a spirit being took human ancestor who was very primitive animal. 
Adam, a spirit being tempted this animal body for special experience for pleasure adventure.
What is this moral standard of choosing animal body as a spirit being?
That was sin because it was not My Ideal that I intended to create. 

What does it mean when a spirit takes animal body?
They bring limited life span because I created animals with limited life span.
Then what is the true purpose of creating human species with limited life span?
That was my idea of each different life form to develop and evolve to enjoy this earth life.
This was my joy of creation. That was problem that some animal is middle sex which has
male to male, female to female to have sexual preference.
Adam, spirit being took this body of a monkey(human) that was degradation of
spiritual being took physical pleasure with animals. 
That was a corruption of spiritual and that brought death,disease, sorrow and war.
This was sin. 
Therefore sin, which corrupted spiritual ideal,was sin. 
Therefore this sin which was inclusive to all original concept of moral that spiritual sin is 
applied to human moral. 

What will happen with this gay issue?

Humanity and free will:

Therefore I, God, Yahweh took the Cross to be a Sacrificial Lamb and died for this original sin.
Sin offering was done with forgiveness.Therefore, this gay issue is not a one kind of sin issue. 
It is inclusive sin from original sin that I forgave.  
I want my blood of this forgiveness can make free of all this different justification and sin of humanity.

                                                                                                    Amen        Yahweh