Friday, November 30, 2007

Passion of the Christ-True Reason


Passion of the Christ-True Reason:

For the readers:

This is not a thesis or research paper. This is a form of dialogue originated from God, Yahweh in written logo gram dictated to me and translated in English. (Questions?

1. Earlier Christians believed Earth was the center of Universe according to their interpretation from the Bible. Galileo support for the Copernicus's sun-centered theory got him into trouble with the Roman Catholic Church. In 1633, the Inquisition convicted him of heresy and forced him to recant publicly and sentenced him to life imprisonment. In 1992, courageous Pope John Paul ll has offered public apology on behalf of the church .
2. There is much debate between church and school about biblical creation of humanity and Charles    Darwin's theory of evolution and origin of human race.
3. Original Sin and the reason of the Passion of the Christ and Salvation.

These Christian's self-conceits and errors brought many wars, lacking love and conflicts to understanding in human origin.
God made man in his image, his likeness”.
It must be understood as a spiritual image, not a physical image.
Adam is my image. Adam, my image, has spiritual meaning.
Therefore, the meaning of Adam and Eve changes the fact.
I do not have the meaning of physical existence. This is the evidence that the human understanding is limited. Also, this limited understanding has brought many conflicting situations.

The error of understanding in the process of human evolution.
The fallen condition of human is coming from the acquired condition of physical body.
The problems of having physical body:
That is all kind of sins that humanity are committing now.
Therefore wars, self-destruction and the use of nuclear weapons are byproducts of having a physical body of human.

The understanding of the theory of evolution.
The theory of evolution is a record of Darwin’s survey in the course of variation in lives.This is the quite similar case with the Galileo’s survey about the relationship between Earth and Sun.
The human physical body is this accomplished biological animal.

Here is the big errors and conflict of Christians.
The humanistic view in imagining Adam as a figurative being:
Human being cannot go over the present body of human self and the boundary of limited understanding. According to Darwin's survey, humans existed on earth even before Adam was created. That becomes the root of frustration.
Because, it brings conflict of understanding of Adam as the original forefather of Jews.

The conflict of chosen nation:
Let's think of me as a Jew because I was born as a Jew. It has merit and demerit. Merit: God's plan foretold in the Bible was accomplished. Demerit: The limited nationalism has influenced on the process of the accomplishment.

Realized Adam:
Here are the big mistake and frustration of Christians because of humanistic view in imagining Adam as figurative being.
Human beings cannot go over the present body of human self and boundary of limited understanding.
According to Darwin’s survey, human existed on earth even before Adam was created. That becomes the root of frustration because this brings conflict in understanding of Adam as the original forefather of Jews of the chosen nation.
The story of Adam in the Bible:
In the record, Adam lived 930 years and according to the recorded story of Adam’s offspring, The existence of human race after Adam is about 6,000 years. These 6,000 years of history was the history of the conflict of Jewish nation. If calculated accurately, it is about 5,600 years in recording. But at standpoint of physical anthropology, the finding of human bone shows over 2 million years of time spans in realistic fact. Also the human DNA structure is 98.5% same as the one of monkey.

Christian’s frustration:
Christians should remember the result of Galileo’s survey.
As a human Moses’ understanding of inspired word of God was affected by the element of humanness.
Of course the five books of Moses were written by my inspiration.
But here were some gaps in this process for him to receive my inspiration.
I want to confirm that Adam was a spiritual being because he was my image were as Eve was a human animal.
Adam’s downfall:
It has spiritual meaning and also it was spiritual fall.

The definition of Adam:
Adam was the most ideal image of me that I made.
But Adam had his own image of Lucifer through his self-conceit and self-satisfaction. Adam’s downfall was spiritual and it has spiritual meaning.
I am a creator:
I create: therefore I exist.
I love: Therefore I feel my existence.
Therefore I am being called my name, Yahweh, which means love.
I am an invisible being but
I enjoy many creatures and life forms that I designed with my ideas.
I might be able to say that my hobby is creations.
I feel delight in one perfect rose.
Also I feel joy to see the perfect beauty of the living human.
And I am romantic to draw sunset in the sky.
I have variety of joy from my hobbies accomplished.

But I am the Lord who governs all creations.
I govern the creation that was created by my Word.
My sorrow and agony:
I am the Lord who also can feel sorrow and indignation.
Adam is my image and a spiritual being who employed free will, and transgress my governing law, amalgamated into the animal human being, the physical body of Eve, which brought Adam’s self-destruction.
That may be a triumphal song of development of humanity but that was a betrayal act against my creation and my ideal.
I lament this offense that Adam committed.
Animal human is a beautiful physical being that I created but does not have value of Image that can represent me.
This is a point at issue in the Bible.
The point that Moses could not understand these demonstrates that the physical human has a gap of limited inspiration.
Therefore the result of this betrayal of Adam brought the situation that I, Yahweh confront Lucifer.
Lucifer, Satan, an old dragon, a serpent is a self-image made by spirit Adam.
And this brought the downfall of Adam.
This is my agony and my effort to save Adam:
The belief in my existence in Judaism, Buddhism, Islam, Christianity or Catholicism has this point at issue has been affected by the limitation in human.
Therefore Atheist, Scientist or Hindu or any religions follows an imperfect understanding because it has Lucifer complex.

Christian’s dilemma.
Many Christians understand the bible as living words of God,
Because of this, Christians have controversial issues and feel frustration about Darwin’s research on human bone. Also, there are problems in science to prove the existence of the spirit.
Therefore it is difficult to show evidence of dualistic condition, which occurred to Spiritual Adam by taking the physical human body of Eve.

The Progress of Science and the future of mankind:
The Physical human is disposed towards self-destruction.
That is the true nature of Lucifer.
By the view of Lucifer, the progress of human society was to sing a triumphal song. but now proceeding to the coming end of human world is also Lucifer’s ideal That brings his self –destruction.
Mankind kept repeating wars and material cultures that accomplished nothing.

That is the primary factor of proliferating nuclear weapons.
Also now, nuclear weapons are bringing the end of the Earth.
I lament this fallen mankind and self-destruction.

Why my cross was the only way for salvation?
My cross was the result of my anguish, pain, sorrow and love.
That was just like a father who suffers and has to jump into the burning fire to save his dying child. But the problem was the method of action to save dying Adam.The only way to save fallen spirit Adam who chooses a physical body of human animal requires ransom payment.
The sin that Adam committed was transgression of choosing physical body of Eve.It is really a big problem that most of humans are unable to understand that the spirit Adam’s life is dying and there is problem with the wickedness of Adam’s image, Lucifer, who is full of self-conceit and self-satisfaction.
I must save my image from dying Adam.
The fall of Adam was not the fault of my responsibility or myself.
It was a failure of my ideal.
Then what is the price to pay for this transgression?
Only I, God can do.
What that means is no one can pay off completely to save mankind
Because offspring of Adam are under the sins of human Adam.
Also it requires a perfect physical body that did not inherit the sins of spiritual Adam and it requires spiritual value that can heal the physical body that Adam has taken.
I asked Abraham to offer burnt offering. The burnt offering that I asked Abraham was not for me. It was for Abraham.
I wanted to save the falling spirit of Abraham.
Therefore, through the human history, there were many burnt offerings.
But the burnt offering could not take the role as perfect sacrificial rites
Because the spirit of animal has no value.
The complete forgiveness and restoration:
My spirit, which is myself, had to wear human physical form to offer blood shedding sacrificial rite to forgive the sins of spirit of mankind and restore to original spirit of Adam. That was my love for mankind rather then my righteousness.
But there were several difficulties to me appearing as a high priest conducting self-sacrificial offering.
First problem: Lacking human understanding.
Second problem: the complicated state of human duality with spirit and physical body.

The case of Cain and Abel:
I asked Cain and Abel, the sons of Eve who were the ancestors of this human race, to shed blood of animal and to offer burnt offering. But that ended in Cain’s murder. Mankind is unable to understand.
Until now, mankind is just unable to understand why I cannot forgive this transgression by the word of God
Humans do not know true reason of why I had to wear a human physical body and stand on the place of original spiritual Adam. Also the wickedness of Lucifer is trying to deny my blood-shed sacrificial rite on the cross.
That is Lucifer’s desperate effort to cover up this secret of original sin.
This purpose of sacrificial rites on the cross is not only the point of issue in Islam or Judaism but this is a matter of all human being.
And this is the only way to block Lucifer’s evilness and the only way to receive salvation and blessing as my adopted sons and daughters.

This is it.


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