Friday, August 29, 2008

The reason of the Second Coming

(This letter was originated from God and dictated to me in Logo gram.)

The reason that I am coming a second time is for judgment.
I hope no one will object about my coming for judgment.

What is my reason for judgment ?
It serves a purpose of making a new second nature for mankind.
Mankind needs a new second name.
I want to create a second nature of humanity in my ideal.
I have an ideal world for the second nature of humanity.
It will be the name of the future mankind which will have eternal life.
I will explain the value of future accomplishments.

The accomplishment of second nature:

Human will have a part of magnetic force.(magnetism)
They will have different body cells after rapture.
This is not RNA cells but it will be a new type of RNA cells

developed from DNA cells.
DNA cell requires oxygen and it also has limitations life span.
Therefore I will change human cells.

Earth is losing original potential energy force.
The reason is due to physical pollution of mankind.
Present Earth will pass away soon.
This is my reason for judgment.
My reason is love.

When will this event take place ?

I am here now.
I came because I want to let you know of my reason.
I hope all mankind can repent.
There is no time left.

My judgment is also the meaning of salvation.
The eternal life of human completes soul.
The coming judgment is to give this meaning of eternal life.
I am doing this because of my love for humanity.
My reason is love.
If your opinion is different, I want to hear about it.

What eternal life will accomplish?

Man's reason is comes from self satisfaction but
the reason of spirit is the name to be holy.
Therefore I want your name to be my name.

What is Rapture?

The rapture is a phenomenon that human bodies will lose
gravitation attraction and fall away from the surface of the Earth.
when the moment Earth changes it's direction of rotation all living
bodies will die.

At the same time this will accomplish the meaning of my judgment.

When will this rapture occur ?

I will not attempt to explain about the role of radio active ray,
but this is being prepared.
This rapture will arise due to the war of Armageddon.
There will be changes in original potential energy of magnetism force.

Syria will rise soon. When Syria attack Iraq,
Iraq will ask for help from NATO alliance.
Iran will render help to Syria and will ask help from China.
Iran will use war missiles onto the city of seven hills.
UN will use space war missiles on China and Iran to subdue the war.
Then , from this effect of Nuclear war-head, there will be
a strange atmospheric phenomenon which will bring change to the
angle of rotation of Earth.

The change in the angle of rotation of the Earth:

There is so call magnetic force which helps Gamma-ray to maintain
rotation of proton positive charge particle.
But the usage of Nuclear war-weapon, magnetic energy force reacts
as a negative charge and the rotation of the Earth will stop.

Then how is this abnormal phenomenon can be
the salvation of mankind?

Even though the influence to magnetism will be only 3 second,

the Earth will drift away from it's gravitation.
Therefor Earth will fall away from it's orbit.
Therefore, rapture human can not come back to Earth
after being lifted up into space.
Therefore this will be eternal destruction.

My second plan of salvation:

Because of my love for mankind my plan of salvation would solve this problem.
My plan is truly sincere and faithful endeavor.
At the moment when humans beings are lifted into space,
(the body of who has high sensitivity of phosphorus
which is an active ingredient body to my magnetic ray energy) human cells will
react to alteration rays and the cells will be change instantly.
It will become the condition the condition similar to a momificated body.(radiant body)
These new cells will not require air.
Therefore it will be possible to live in the airless space.
Meaning that this new human body will be able to live in space until move to

the new Earth, New Jerusalem.)

My 3rd plan for salvation:

The new universe is coming.
I am preparing the new universe for future mankind.
It is called New Jerusalem.
This new planet will have new life form.
It is possible for mankind to live in this planet and
it is possible that tree, water and animals can live there too.
This is not Mars. It is out of this universe orbit.
It will be discovered soon by researchers.
This new Jerusalem, New Earth will move into present Sun's orbit.
After a thousand years, New human beings will live on the New Earth.

This is my gift to the new mankind and this is my reason of joy.
I want to let you know of my reason.
I am sincerely hoping that all human can be able to understand
the reason of my faithful love.

It is necessary to explain who is the person dictating this letter.
This person dictating this letter is called Logos, the bride of the Lamb.

My second coming:

The name , Yeshua means"Word of Salvation" and the name itself has reason of Word.
I am Yahweh who created this universe, the living Word,
also I am the living spirit of Yeshua who was here 2,000 years ago.

Yahweh, God of all creation.

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