Thursday, April 30, 2009

A letter from God to Muslim

This letter is dictated to me by God.

It is true that Islam religion have the name of love.
Muhammad started this religion with my meaning of love.
Therefore the significance of Mohammed's love was great.

Then, what is the problem ?

History and Religion:

Religion is an accomplishments of pure love.
But the meaning of love in this Islam religion has misunderstandings,

which means that my significance is not righteous?

An absolute essential factor of salvation:

An absolute factor of salvation comes from the meaning of sacrificial rite.
The meaning of the sacrificial rite requires a sacrificial offering for salvation.
The sacrificial rite for salvation brings the name of salvation.
The role of lamb must be understood.

Lamb of God

Understanding Abel is understanding the history of Adam.
The sacrificial rite was the sacrificial offering of animals.
The meaning of sacrificial offering is to seek for forgiveness.
The burnt offering was an action of burning sins of human to ash
who became animal to receive forgiveness of sins.
The rite of burnt offering accomplishes my forgiveness.
But jealousies of Cain became accomplished killing of brother Abel

The significance of Abraham

I called Abram out of the ungodly land of Ur.
Abraham was my friend.
The role of my friendship was an accomplishment of my love.
I wanted to teach my friend Abraham.
I needed to accomplish my love.
I showed Abraham how to make a burnt animal sacrificial offering.
I changed the name of Abram to Abraham, which is the name of
accomplished burnt offering.
That was an accomplishment of my forgiveness and blessing.

Isaac, Son of my Abraham.
Ishmael was an offspring of Abraham,
but he was not the offspring of Sarah,who was wife of Abraham.
Ishmael had Abraham's love but he did not had my spiritual name.
Therefore my blessing did not go to Ishmael. It was given to Isaac.
But my righteous love was with Ishmael too.
Have a spiritual understanding.
He had the name of Abraham but he did not had my name.
Therefore Ishmael's generation does not have my name.


The accomplishments of Moses was the restoration of this lost
original-accomplishing force of human spirit.
Therefore the role of Moses was reactivating Abraham's blessing.

The meaning of burnt offering

The meaning of the burnt offering was to bring accomplishments of
atonement and accomplishments of salvation.

My accomplishment

My First Advent

I completed the original accomplishment force of this burnt offering
and came back. I took the role of this priest for sacrificial rite and
also I, myself was a sacrificial offering of this burnt offering.

The priest of sacrificial rite and a sacrificial offering

The sacrificial offering can not come from the descendant of Adam
who took the name of animal.
Therefore, the name of myself was required.
I could have asked Abraham to offer Isaac for burnt offering but
Isaac also was a descendant of Adam and he had the name of original sin.
Then who can be a sacrificial offering for eternal burnt offering?
That was my son Yeshua (Jesus, Isa) who was also myself.

The birth of Yeshua(Jesus, Isa)

Maryam (Mary) was a desirable girl who had obedient spirit.
Therefore she had my name.

Existence of Muslim has problem of accomplishing the name of salvation.
The problems of Islam religion does not have the meaning of this sacrificial rite.
Therefore this religion does not bring the name of salvation
which has meaning of I, Yahweh, Allah accomplished.

Dear offspring of Abraham,
I am the priest for eternal burnt offering, I am the lamb of God. 
Muslim should understand and believe the meaning of burnt offering
and my death on the Cross.

Dear offspring of Abraham,
I forgave the sins of Adam which made me to shed blood of my love.
Keep my name to be holy for completion of my love.
                I AM who I AM ,    The Lamb of God ,   Yahweh

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